CindyLou’s Awesome Online Shopping Mall!

 CindyLou’s Awesome                                   Online Shopping Mall

…and, I Thank You for   ‘ping’ by!  Grab a drink (wine?) and peruse my website.


PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO REGISTER for my emails above. Please note that I will NEVER spam you. Not only will you stay abreast of all the new offers, but it’s a great way to make extra money…or even a career changing opportunity!  This will also take you to an offer that can benefit you as well as someone you know!  This is a Great Gift!  And, while not everything is considered New, it is worth making it to our site. We read every email sent from our visitors that has been added here.  This helps us add things that interest you as well.  I truly appreciate it, and I’m sure you will too!


We have everything you have ever wanted at CindyLou’s Awesome Online Shopping Mall, or we will do our best to find it for you.  Since I absolutely love my business, I will constantly be updating the site.

We have some fantastic anchor offers right now.  Our wine club membership is growing so fast that we will soon be the #1 Wine Club in America…next…the World!  You need to ask me about my wine business, and how you, too, can make career changing income in a very short amount of time!

Computta is our next anchor offer. We actually get paid to mine for bitcoins.  Ask me how!

Who doesn’t like playing games on their mobile phones?!  United Games has great apps to download and play for prizes.

CindyLou’s Awesome Online Shopping Mall

We not only offer items for sale, but we can also provide a fantastic business system.  Because this tried and proven system is duplicatable, anyone who can follow directions can change their lifestyle for the better.

Our anchor programs provide extra cash and fun!  Our Wine Club is phenomenal, our Bitcoin Mining has really taken off with Computta (get paid to do this) and all ages love our Mobile Gaming.

Even More Benefits

Seventeen days after I retired, I fell and broke my hip.  I’d like to tell you that I was riding my horse, ShoShone, across the pasture during a major Oklahoma thunderstorm.  The wind was blowing and tree limbs falling and lightning flashing.  I fell off while we were jumping over a fallen tree, however, that would be a lie.  Isn’t she beautiful?


Anyway, after surgery, physical therapy in a nursing home, and home care in Norman, OK, I moved to Kansas City, MO, to live with my newly wedded son and daughter-in-law.  Sitting around watching television all day and night wasn’t cutting it for this workaholic mom.  That’s when I found Rory Ricord and his Business System.  It has literally changed my life!

New York City was home to our Wine Club Convention in October. I had the pleasure of meeting Rory in person. I must say that he is everything he teaches: duplicatable, proven, moral, ethical, etc. He is giving back or paying it forward, however you want to phrase it.  I can’t thank him enough for giving me the opportunity to change my financial future and have fun at the same time!