Numbers are Science

Skeptics Worldwide Look at “Numbers in Nature”

for Real Answers!

Did you ever play with a Ouija Board during your childhood years?  Do you remember those black balls you could ask questions, then shake it to see the answer in your future?  Well, you probably didn’t discover your future then, however, numbers ARE science.

Jim Carrey starred in the Movie “23” several years ago.  Have you watched it?  Well, I watched it with my son and it was pretty freaky the way the number 23 works.  Actually, we made a game of it while driving and looking at road signs, etc. You should try it sometime!

The following is a blurb from the trailer:

“A man’s (Jim Carrey) discovery of an obscure book about the number 23 leads him on a descent into darkness. As he becomes more obsessed with its contents, he becomes more convinced that it is, in fact, based on his life. To his horror, he discovers grave consequences in store for the book’s main character.”

Our obsession with Mathematics, Geometry and the connectedness of all things has reached a high (not recorded in history for thousands of years). Fans and Skeptics all over the world realize there is a pattern in nature and the universe. Just turn on the TV and you will see shows like “Touch” & countless movies that feature Numbers in Nature and our world.

“Martin Bohm (Kiefer Sutherland) is a widower whose young son, Jake, is living with autism and doesn’t speak. At the end of his rope over his inability to communicate with his child, Martin discovers that Jake is indeed communicating — but with numbers instead of words. Martin must decipher the meaning in order to connect the numbers to a group of seemingly unrelated people who affect one another in ways that are both seen and unseen. Martin gets help from a discredited, aging professor who offers an unorthodox theory about Jake and his rare ability.”  This, too, was taken from a trailer.

We are looking forward to introducing you to more Numerology that exists in your world and where to find it.  Stay as long as you want, or leave as soon as you want. Because  YOU are in control of your own destiny.  And, yes, Numbers are Science.