Since the beginning of time, man has conducted business.  Men would trade their wares with others so that everyone could obtain what he needed to survive.  With the advent of the Internet, business dealings have risen to a whole new level.  No longer are boundaries necessary.  There are actually some people who order everything online and never go to the mall.  I confess I hate the malls.  That is one reason why I’m now running my own business online. The World has definitely become a smaller place with Worldwide Shipping and translation services bridging the communication and delivery issues.


In the Financial World of Currency, a new name has emerged: Bitcoin – the Simplest Way to Make Money Now!  Become a “Miner” and put your computer to work for you.   The value of the Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency) is on the rise.  Check out my site to hear what Bill Gates has to say about it.  But don’t wait.  The early bird gets the worm…or bitcoin!   Yes, sign up for free and get a % of a bitcoin just for joining!  So in essence, you get paid to join!


Paid Social Media Jobs:  Work with companies to help them with their Social Media Marketing through Viral Shares.  This is is an area that is always growing and becoming more and more available to those looking to work from anywhere.

Wine of the Month Club:  Who wouldn’t want to make money from our Wine of the Month Club?  Have fun, meet people, enjoy wine (health benefits included) and watch your bank account grow!

The more and more we rely on the Internet, Social Media Services, Mobile Applications and eCommerce tools, the more we need to be tied into the cutting edge services and providers.  This is what you will find when you go to the above resources.